Deutschlandfunk Reihe “Essay und Diskurs”
Sonntags um 9.30 Uhr

Karfreitag 10.04.2009
Die idyllische Stadt (1)
Tore des Glücks - am Beispiel von Augsburg
Autor Gerd de Bruyn

Ostersonntag 12.04.2009
Die idyllische Stadt (2)
Baustelle und Bilderbuch - "die Schlossfrage"
Autor: Klaus Jan Philipp

Ostermontag 13.04.2009
Die idyllische Stadt (3)
Alle Menschen werden Gärtner - Architektur und Gartenbau
Autor: Gerd de Bruyn

Sonntag, 19.04.2009
Die idyllische Stadt (4)
Die Multidimensionalität des Urbanen
Sophie Wolfrum im Gespräch mit Gerd de Bruyn

FREQUENZLISTE – Deutschlandfunk

Life on Mars and Beyond

"Mars and Beyond" is Walt Disney's very unusual movie on man's relation to the stars and on the possibility of life on other planets, above all on Mars . It was first broadcasted in December 1957 on ABC's weekly "Disneyland" TV program. These movies are all included in the fabulous DVD collection Walt Disney Treasures - Tomorrowland: Disney in Space and Beyond which was released in 2004. It can be regarded as something between pulp SF comics and scientific sober romans; where Donald Duck meets H.G. Wells. Basically developed as an educational film, it has still funny cartoon sequences full of gags, for example the great Martian inhabitants. This animation brings even the imaginative depictions of life on Mars together with the German rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun. All begins an introduction of Walt Disney and his robot friend Garco. It continues with a presentation about mankind seeking to understand the world in which he lives. Part 3 reminds the famous documentary directed by Ray and Charles Eames "Powers of Ten."

"Mars and Beyond" poses the question "Will we find planets with only a low form of vegetable life or will there be mechanical robots controlled by super intelligent beings?"